Opioid use treatment for physicians


Row Title Description
1 Course Name  Opioid use treatment for physicians
2 Definition A course in which the professional skills of participants in this field will be strengthened
 along with the familiarization of general practitioners and above with the treatment of
 opioid abuse and how to deal with it.
3 Required Degree The participants of the course are people who hold a general doctorate degree in medicine
 and highe r degrees.
4 Duration 60 Hours
14 – 36 Days
1 – 2 Months
5 Course Achievements Clinical interview ability;
 A- Active listening skills and proper communication with patients of different age groups
 B- Ability to receive verbal and non-verbal messages from different patients
 C- The ability to empathize and communicate without judgment with the patient
 The ability of multidimensional patient assessment, formulation and care planning:
 A- Evaluation of functional areas with structured interview
 B- The ability to summarize and formulate the case
 C- The ability to plan care
 The ability to evaluate the line and identify emergencies of addiction and drug poisoning
 Ability to implement agonist and agonist-antagonist treatments
 Ability to care for opioid users
 A- The ability to choose the right medicine
 B- The ability to choose the appropriate therapeutic approach (maintenance, medical
 C- The ability to identify drug side effects and drug interactions
 D- The ability to treat drug side effects and drug interactions
 E- The ability to identify the cases that need to be referred and carry it out
 . And- the ability to work within the framework of national protocols

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