"Training health info for the businesses and attendants of preparing, producing and distributing food and public places"


Row Title Description
1 Course Name Training health info for the businesses and attendants of preparing, producing and
 distributing food and public places
2 Definition It is a course that is held for business and increases the level of their health information
3 Target Group  All businesses and workers who work with food, beverages, and cosmetics and work in
 procurement and production centers such as factories, workshops, dairies, butchers,
 bakeries, restaurants, grocers, perfumeries, and such centers, or in public places such ashotels, hot springs, swimming pools, hair salons and other places operate.
4 Duration 50 Hours
5 Course Achievements General knowledge of factors that pollute the environment and food, general knowledge
 of pathogenic factors, methods of preserving food, distinguishing healthy from
 contaminated food, observing personal hygiene to protect oneself and society, observing
 public health.

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